Floribunda Roses

Floribunda Roses
Floribunda roses are more compact in growth making them a perfect landscape shrub or border plant. Floribunda roses produce flowers that are typically borne in clusters. One of the most popular roses used in landscapes today is the Iceberg floribunda rose.
Click on the images below to view the floribunda roses we have in stock or typically carry.
- Adobe Sunrise
- Angel Face
- Arctic Blue
- Bolero
- Brilliant Pink Iceberg
- Burgundy Iceberg
- Burst of Joy
- Candy Cane Cocktail
- Canyon Road
- Chihuly
- Dancing in the Dark
- Desmond Tutu
- Distant Drums
- Doris Day
- Drop Dead Red
- Easter Basket
- Easy Does It
- Easy Going
- Easy Spirit
- Easy to Please
- Ebb Tide
- First Impression
- French Lace
- George Burns
- Gingersnap
- Hot Cocoa
- Iceberg
- Julia Child
- Julio Iglesias
- Ketchup & Mustard
- Jump for Joy
- Koko Loko
- Life of the Party
- Livin Easy
- Love Song
- Marc Chagall
- Marmalade Skies
- Plum Perfect
- Pumpkin Patch
- Purple Tiger
- Queen of Elegance
- Sexy Rexy
- Scentimental
- Sheila’s Perfume
- Shockwave
- Showbiz
- Silver Lining
- Sunsprite
- Trumpeter
- Violet’s Pride
- White Licorice