Fruit Trees
Choose from great tasting varieties of deciduous fruit trees such as apples, peaches, cherries, figs, olives, and many more! We carry many delicious varieties that perform well in our climate. Click on a category below or select from the menu on the left to view fruit tree varieties.
Most of our standard sized fruit trees qualify for the Tree Power Shade Tree program. Riverside Public Utilities paying customers can earn rebates and a free tree up to $40 in value when purchasing one of our qualifying trees. Click here to learn more about the program.
Fruit Varieties
- Apple Trees
- Apricot Trees
- Aprium Trees
- Asian Pear Trees
- Cherry Trees
- Cherry-Plum
- Fig Trees
- Fruiting Mulberry Trees
- Jujube Trees
- NectaPlum Trees
- Nectarine Trees
- Olive Trees
- Pear Trees
- Peach Trees
- Peach-Plum Trees
- Peacotum Trees
- Persimmon Trees
- Pluerry Trees
- Plum Trees
- Plumcot Trees
- Pluot Trees
- Pomegranate Trees
- Prune Trees
- Quince Trees